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New Video Games Release For The Month Of June

Added: 01.06.2015 12:19 | 9 views | 0 comments

The Tyuno Project: "Summer is finally here and school is out. Check out what new games are coming to the month of June."


Controversies, Hate and Moral Dilemmas In Video Games Today

Added: 31.05.2015 17:16 | 16 views | 0 comments

FilmGamesEtc -The problem regarding the morally outraged conservatives is that people like them have been railing against new things for generations, claiming the new generations form of entertainment will be the worlds downfall, despite the world becoming far safer, less violent, and more moral. The 50s and 60s had comic books and rock music. Later, it was violent movies. But the hypocrisy with many of those conservative moral crusaders is that, while they didnt want kids corrupted by violent media, they were the ones that pushed to send these same kids off to atrocities such as the Vietnam War. One hundred years ago, the leaders of the world sent unfortunate kids off to the senseless global deathmatch that was the First World War. 16 million people were slaughtered. Again, despite all of our violent media, the western world wouldnt tolerate something like that today. Meanwhile in the middle-east and Africa, there are thousands being brutally killed. Children as young as five...


Top 10 Video Games That Aged Well

Added: 31.05.2015 16:16 | 17 views | 0 comments

Unlike other media, video game technology moves forward at an impressive pace. With new consoles comes new graphics technology and worlds that looked rich and vibrant one generation can look dull and muddy the next.


What Video Games Are You Playing? May 30, 2015

Added: 30.05.2015 13:35 | 23 views | 0 comments

Okay so Final Fantasy games are the type where you learn something new on each replay, right? And in most of them, my mind is blown by something I didn't know before. Having been through Final Fantasy VII, like, Lord knows how many times, I feel okay checking a Fort Condor FAQ to make sure I'm not passing up any chance to rush back and take part in that easy but cute and fun mini RTS game.


Top 10 Video Games That Aged Badly

Added: 30.05.2015 8:16 | 15 views | 0 comments

Its time to take off those rose tinted glasses and be honest.


This Beautiful Video Turns Popular Video Games Into LEGOs

Added: 28.05.2015 22:53 | 40 views | 0 comments

A cool new video has emerged from creative Youtube outlet Andrewmfilms, featuring a collection of scenarios from popular video games all realized in the form of LEGOs. If you're having a hard time wrapping your head around that concept, just check out the video and be amazed.


The Retro Video Games System Reminds Us Why It's Acceptable For Gaming To Evolve

Added: 27.05.2015 4:16 | 19 views | 0 comments

The announcement of the Retro Video Game System, a cartridge-based console, is the latest case study in the debate of whether gaming should continue evolving beyond its roots.


A New Cartridge-Based Console Is Being Made To Reestablish The Culture Of Video Gaming

Added: 25.05.2015 3:16 | 11 views | 0 comments

Siliconera: Remember cartridges? They were chunky bits of plastic and electronics that games used to be distributed on the last one was the N64, released back in 1996. The good thing about a cartridge is that when you own one the creator of that game cant suddenly take it away from you. This is one of advantages of the cartridge when compared to digital distribution that has led to the development of the Retro VGS (Retro Video Games System), which is an upcoming cartridge-based games console.


How Video Games Influence Me: Kirk Wallace, Illustrator

Added: 23.05.2015 19:16 | 20 views | 0 comments

Kirk Wallace created a buzz for himself as an illustrator a few years ago, with a tattoo design he created in memorial of his father. His minimalist style has graced the digital pages of businesses and non-profits. You can also find his designs on t-shirts and even skin. Wallace captured the eyes of gamers with his essentials work for Metroid and The Legend of Zelda, visual treats you can find in the slideshow. And to think, he almost went a completely different route with his career, depriving us from his drool-inducing artwork.


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